Friday, August 6, 2010

Construction continues...

While the art studio continues to be in a perpetual state of construction...that is what my spirit feels like - UNDER CONSTRUCTION! It seems that when you are going through life with no real plans, things seem easy. Then the second you make your mind up to make some changes, here come the challenges. I'm ready! Bring 'um on! I will not be shaken by mere mortal toilings.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha; it's a MUST to Stand Your Ground!!! And now, through all the Trials and Tribulations of "Art Peace Studio's" constructive barriers...the timely wait and longing to get in the studio has ended. The "FuN" part has started; organizing and setting it up... hahaha. Anyway, I am honored to say that I've had the pleasure of seeing the "almost" finished touches; I must say, the Studio is Beautiful. I know you're already enjoying it, but will indulge deeply in the release of stress, aggression and creatively voicing your thoughts on canvas during your Year of Silence.
